
1/2 lb Composting Worms

Original price was: $30.00.Current price is: $25.00.

SKU: RW-1/2LB Category:


For composting worm bins between .5 to 2 square feet we recommend you purchase 1/2 lb of Composting Worms. Expect 400-500 worms. We ship USPS Priority Mail, 1 to 3 day delivery time (1-day when shipped into the Bay Area). We ship so you receive the worms within seven days of purchase and/or before the end of the week (Saturday). The price includes the cost of worms, shipping charge and sales tax will be added at checkout. The majority of these composting worms are Red Wigglers (eisenia fetida) with a minor portion Indian Blues (perionyx excavates).

Additional information

Weight 2 lbs
Dimensions 7 × 7 × 6 in