Berry Best Family Farm – Farming Composting Worms

Delta Worms is assisting Berry Best Family Farm to employing vermiculture at the farm. Vermiculture is the intentional cultivation of composting worms. At Berry Best Family Farm, worms will be raised and used to break down organic materials (manure, compost and vegetable waste). This cold composting process is called vermicomposting. In the process of this type of composting (digestion), beneficial microbes are transferred from worm guts into their manure, called worm castings. Worm castings are an organic kind of fertilizer which is nutrient-rich, and can benefit all types of plants. Berry Best Farm Family Farm will use worm casting to replenish the nutrient taken from the farm soil over the several years of hard farming (giving back what they have taken). Delta Worms will be creating a series of posts to document the integration of vermiculture at Berry Best Family Farm.
